Python __underscore__
저자: Jean-Lou Dupont

1. Module Properties
1.1. __builtins__
1.2. __all__
1.3. __package__ (2.6)
2. Attribute Access
2.1. __getattr__
2.2. __getattribute__
2.2.1. unconditional call
2.3. __setattr__
2.4. __delatttr__
2.5. __missing__
3. Builtin
3.1. __import__
4. File Properties
4.1. __file__
5. Items & Slices
5.1. __*item__
5.2. __*slice__
6. Items & New-Style slices
6.1. __getitem__
6.1.1. used for self[key]
6.2. __setitem__
6.2.1. used for self[key]
6.3. __delitem__
6.3.1. used for self[key]
6.4. __contains__
6.4.1. used for self[key]
7. Creation
7.1. __init__
7.2. __call__
7.3. __del__
8. Comparison
8.1. __cmp__
8.1.1. deprecated in Python3000
9. Slice Indices
9.1. __index__
10. Copying
10.1. __copy__
10.2. __deepcopy__
11. Complex Numbers
11.1. __complex__
12. Real Numbers
12.1. __float__
12.2. __hex__
12.2.1. deprecated in python3000
12.3. __int__
12.4. __long__
12.5. __oct__
12.5.1. deprecated in python3000
13. Binary Operations
13.1. __add__
13.1.1. __radd__
13.2. __sub__
13.2.1. __rsub__
13.3. __mul__
13.3.1. __rmul__
13.4. __div__
13.4.1. __rdiv__
13.5. __truediv__
13.5.1. __rtruediv__
13.6. __floordiv__
13.6.1. __rfloordiv__
13.7. __mod__
13.7.1. __rmod__
13.8. __divmod__
13.8.1. __rdivmod__
13.9. __pow__
13.9.1. __rpow__
13.10. __lshift__
13.10.1. __rlshift__
13.11. __rshift__
13.11.1. __rrshift__
13.12. __and__
13.12.1. __rand__
13.13. __or__
13.13.1. __ror__
13.14. __xor__
13.14.1. __rxor__
14. Unary Operations
14.1. __neg__
14.2. __pos__
14.3. __invert__
14.4. __abs__
15. In-place Binary Operations
15.1. __iadd__
15.2. __isub__
15.3. __imul__
15.4. __idiv__
15.5. __itruediv__
15.6. __ifloordiv__
15.7. __imod__
15.8. __ipow__
15.9. __ilshift__
15.10. __irshift__
15.11. __iand__
15.12. __ior__
15.13. __ixor__
16. Annotations
16.1. __annotations__
16.1.1. new in Python3000
17. new in Python3000
17.1. __closure__
17.2. __code__
17.3. __defaults__
17.4. __dict__
17.5. __doc__
17.6. __globals__
17.7. __name__
17.8. __prepare__
18. Other
18.1. __requires__
18.2. __traceback_hide__
18.3. __debug__
18.4. __traceback__
18.4.1. new in python3000
19. containing
19.1. __len__
19.2. __contains__
19.3. __iter__
19.4. __reversed__
19.5. __next__
19.5.1. new in python3000
20. Modules
20.1. __builtin__
20.2. __main__
20.3. __future__
21. With
21.1. __enter__
21.2. __exit__
22. Class & Functions properties
22.1. __doc__
23. Class Methods
23.1. __subclasses__
24. Old-Style Slices
24.1. __getslice__
24.1.1. deprecated in python3000
24.2. __setslice__
24.2.1. deprecated in python3000
24.3. __delslice__
24.3.1. deprecated in python3000
25. Complicated
25.1. __new__
25.2. __coerce__
26. Class & Instance properties
26.1. __dict__
26.2. __class__
26.3. __metaclass__
26.3.1. deprecated in Python3000
26.4. __bases__
26.5. __name__
26.6. __slot__
26.7. __weakref__
27. Conversion to Strings
27.1. __repr__
27.2. __str__
27.3. __unicode__
28. Contained by another object
28.1. __hash__
29. Truth Testing
29.1. __nonzero__
29.1.1. deprecated in python3000 replaced by __bool__