By June I will learn a range of teaching strategies related to positive guidance so that I can su...

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By June I will learn a range of teaching strategies related to positive guidance so that I can support children's emotional development. 저자: Mind Map: By June I will learn a range of teaching strategies related to positive guidance so that I can support children's emotional development.

1. Centre Policy

1.1. There is a 5 page policy that Best Staff in regards to positive guidance. I have read the policy and highlighted areas that I think is important for my inquiry goal

1.2. There is also a Positive guidance policy for my Centre Top Kids New Lynn that is printed and on the wall. I have also read this policy and I agree with the policy of the room. I know that by following it I will definitely support and help me with my inquiry goal.

1.3. I will apply the class room positive guidance policy to my teaching. 1. Verbal Request... "Please use your gentle voice when talking" 2. Follow up with the consequence... "We may need to go do another activity if you are not using your gentle voice" 3.Redirect.... "Lets go we are going to do another activity"

2. Main Focus

2.1. Finding ways to be firm as well as fair making sure that I understand both sides to the story and that I listen to the child first before making an assumption as to what has happened.

2.2. I want to help the child understand and realise why what they have chosen to do is not right as peaceful as possible.

2.3. In saying that I don't want to be a push over. When necessary I want to be firm with the child so that they understand the seriousness of what is happening. I guess being able to find a balance.

3. Te Whāriki

3.1. “all children are born with mana from their tipuna. Mana is the power of being and must be upheld and enhanced.” (pg. 18.) As teachers we should do all that we can to respect their mana and help children feel empowered and not belittle them.

3.2. “agency to create and act on their own ideas, develop knowledge and skills in areas that interest them and, increasingly, to make decisions and judgements on matter that relate to them.” (Ministry of Education, 2017, p. 18) we need to TRUST that our tamariki will be able to make their own decisions and that they are capable of doing things on their own.

3.3. "children learn through responsive and reciprocal relationships with people places and things." If we are constantly yelling or growling children then it is most likely that there will not be a good relationship between us and the child which may effect their ability to learn and that does not support their emotional development at all.

4. Academic Literature

4.1. Louise Porter- Guiding children's behaviour article is an article that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and learning from. It is an article which I will refer to through out my e-portfolio. The article focuses on the ideas that instead of teaching children to comply or be obedient that we should rather help children to develop a sense of right and wrong and she shares ways that we can help children to be able to manage their emotions. She also discusses rewards and punishments should not be given to make a child listen.

4.2. Because my centre is very mutli-cultural and majority of the children in my centre are learning English as a second language I think that Isik-Ercan article on "culturally appropriate positive guidance with young children will be very beneficial for my teaching practice as well.