Embedding ATL in the school culture

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Embedding ATL in the school culture 저자: Mind Map: Embedding ATL in the school culture

1. Faculty PD

1.1. Whole school PD focusing on ATL. After Senior teachers are invited to throw 20 mins sessions where they share their practice on an ATL aspect with less experienced teachers (inquiry, differentiation, collaboration, thinking skills, etc.). Less experience teachers choose 2-3 sessions to attend. It is better if teachers from one department spread across the sessions so that they can feedback to others in their next faculty meeting.

1.2. DP Coordinator encourages teachers to liaise with DP teachers in other schools (also in other countries) and get to know their context, share tips and concerns.

1.3. Organise a PD evening ohaving as theme "Exploring Technology as a pedagogical tool". Get teachers who use technology in new ways share with others. Talk about Puentedura’s “substitution, augmentation, modification, redefinition” (SAMR) model (2013) and initiate teachers to the "Flat Classroom Project”(a collaborative initiatives where students from schools around the world collaborate using synchronous documents, collaborative workspaces and social networks.)

2. Librarian

2.1. To promote Conceptual Understanding, the librarian creates a Conceptual Wall that futures a big idea (with its official definition(s)) every fortnight. Students are called to contribute with an example of a concrete application of this concept in any of their chosen DP subjects. They can use visuals (a picture with or without wording, a small writing, a mind map, etc.) As an extension, a student is given the task to gather all the information for a given concept from the Wall and write a brief article for the DP school journal.

2.2. Librarian organises a student's workshop on Digital Citizenship

2.3. The Librarian makes sure that there is Literature in a range of different languages in the library shelves. He/She also showcases instructions in the 3 official languages of the DP.

3. Team-building initiatives

3.1. Campfire stories : A classic activity that inspires storytelling and improves team bonding. Teams of teachers gather in a circle and share their experiences. 1.Create a set of trigger words that can kickstart a storytelling session. Think of words like "first day", "work travel", "partnership", "side project", etc. Add them to sticky notes. 2. Divide a whiteboard into two sections. Post all sticky notes from above on one section of the whiteboard. 3. Ask a participant to pick out one trigger word from the sticky notes and use it to share an experience (say, about his/her first day of work at the company). Shift the chosen sticky note to the other side of the whiteboard. 4. As the participant is relating his/her experience, ask others to jot down words that remind them of similar work-related stories. Add these words to sticky notes and paste them on the whiteboard. 5. Repeat this process until you have a "wall of words" with interconnected stories.

3.2. Students'Team-Building :Organise a 3.5 days residential trip by liaising with Outdoor Learning specialists and PE teachers.

4. Report cards

4.1. Prepare reports that address specifically ATL objectives and evaluate students based on them

4.2. Work collaboratively. If the tutor prepares the report, then all teachers pass their comment on the tutor who collates them in one report card. Then the tutor reads across and writes an overall comment.

4.3. Give the reports on a parents' evening when the parents can interact with the teachers rather than send them home

5. Assessment policy

5.1. DP Coordinator manages Formative & Summative Assessment deadlines so they do not coincide between subjects

5.2. DP Coordinator asks teachers to create c student-friendly Assessment Criteria charts for their subject. Have students collate these in their files and also display in classroom.

5.3. Familiarise students with your subject's Assessment Criteria through a shared inquiry process. Before disclosing the Assessment criteria, guide them into finding what they should be assessed on and why in your subject.

5.4. Find a way to communicate to parents your Assessment agenda so they are aware of all the deadlines and ways their children will be assessed.

5.5. Plan for summative assessment opportunities for every unit you teach and differentiate it by giving a range of options each time. Think of how to scaffold teaching in order to prepare all students for the summative assessment. Reward good effort by publishing students' work on the corridor's wall, online, send a praise note at home, etc.