RCS - Add/Edit Work Request (WR)
저자: Anthony Bernardo
1. High Level View of how this form works
1.1. User initiates a new WR
1.2. Fills required fields on the form
1.3. Add a review schedule if necessary
1.4. From this screen they can create subtasks. A complete WR must be completed before a subtask can be initiated
1.5. From this screeen they can close the WR. Closing a WR will close all subtasks associated
1.6. User can delete the WR if necessary. Delete does not actually delete but changes the status to inactive - verify that this field in the tblWorkRequest is created
1.7. SubTask Form is the WR form with some fields disabled
2. WR Form Buttons
2.1. 001 - Save - Updates the current WR
2.2. 002 - Print - Provides the user with a printer friendly version of the WR and the review schedule
2.3. 003 - Add Review Schedule
2.4. 004 - Close - Closes the WR and all associated subtasks. Adds a close status to the tblWorkRequest - Make sure this field exists
2.5. 005 - Create subtask - cannot be created unless the WR has all required fields populated
2.5.1. ADD SubTask Form
2.6. Review Schedule Form
2.6.1. Displays all review schedules associated to a WR Status Start Date Schedule Status Plan to Customer Date To Customer Date
2.6.2. Buttons Add Review Schedule Form Buttons Edit
3. WR form
3.1. 001 - Generate WR #
3.2. 002 - Generate Subtask #
3.3. 003 - Populate the Flight drop down list box (ddlb)
3.4. Multiple Dependent DDLB
3.4.1. 004 - Contract ddlb
3.4.2. 005 - Program Elements ddlb
3.4.3. 006 - Ops Center ddlb
3.4.4. 007 - Faciliity ddlb
3.4.5. 008 - Charge number ddlb
3.4.6. 009 - Charge number description ddlb
3.5. 2 Selects Related
3.5.1. 010 - Product Type ddlb
3.5.2. 011 - Product Class ddlb