What is my ultimate goal of life?

My planning to do and the topic of my essay.

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What is my ultimate goal of life? 저자: Mind Map: What is my ultimate goal of life?

1. Travel

1.1. Travel around the world

1.1.1. 2 years duration

1.1.2. entering all continents by Indian motorcycle

1.1.3. adventure to explore potentiality of myself

1.1.4. record great idea, behavior, knowledge, and experience from traveling for brainstorming my business

1.1.5. Learning culture, architecture, art, and friendship

2. Activities

2.1. musician

2.1.1. ability to play piano, guitar, trumpet, saxophone, and Ranat Ek(Thai xylophone)

2.2. singer

2.2.1. style of jazz, blues, soul and rock

2.3. sport

2.3.1. runner, shooter, cyclist, badminton, and bodybuilder

2.4. preparation

2.4.1. travel around the world integrity of health learning guidance hiking climbing swimming parachuting motorcycling budgeting

2.5. artist

2.5.1. study drawing, painting, interior design, and Art Critic

2.6. activist

2.6.1. check unfair civil society and the appeal right to the public.

2.7. reading

2.7.1. story and subject I interest to know

2.8. gourmet

2.8.1. taste traditional food or drink in local to recognize

3. Education

3.1. Bachelor degree

3.1.1. Bachelor of Political Science

3.1.2. Bachelor of Banking and Finance

3.1.3. Bachelor of Chinese Language and Business

3.2. Master degree

3.2.1. Master of Business Administration

3.2.2. Master of Finance

3.2.3. Master of Public Policy and Human Development

3.3. Doctorate/Philosophy degree

3.3.1. Philosophy in Finance

3.3.2. PhD Programme on Innovation, Economics and Governance for Development

3.4. Certificates license

3.4.1. Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

3.4.2. Certified Investment and Securities Analyst (CISA)

4. Career

4.1. Investment Analyst

4.1.1. my dream job

4.2. Fund Manager

4.2.1. higher step of Investment Analyst

4.3. Chief Executive Officer

4.3.1. challenge of the business competition

4.4. Founder of the company

4.4.1. subject of finance and banking

4.5. Governor of the Bank of Thailand

4.5.1. development of financial, economic of public

4.5.2. My idol is Prof.Maj.Dr.Puey Ungphakorn

4.6. Minister of Finance of Thailand

4.6.1. extend from Governor of the Bank of Thailand

4.7. Prime Minister of Thailand

4.7.1. make the country prosper

4.7.2. My idol is Prof.Dr.Pridi Banomyong

5. Lifestyle

5.1. Live in penthouse in Bangkok

5.1.1. near shopping center for my couple

5.1.2. near my office

5.1.3. near Chulalongkorn University for my lifelong learning and fitness exercise.

5.1.4. near art galleries and museum

5.2. Build detached house for my parent

5.2.1. gardening and raise any animals

5.2.2. peaceable of life without turbulence

5.3. Build two Thai Traditional houses

5.3.1. another house for my wife's parent

5.3.2. place for my vacation

5.3.3. family reunion place

5.4. Founder vegetarian cafeteria

5.4.1. for charity

5.4.2. practice the Dharma

5.4.3. help poor people for living

5.4.4. I get inspired from my predecessor

5.5. Founder free-tuition vocational training school

5.5.1. give education

5.5.2. opportunity to occupation

5.5.3. practice students to good citizen

5.5.4. I get inspired from UoPeople and Wat Suan Kaew foundation