Life Plan

Plan your life and the next important steps and goals to proceed with a happy life

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Life Plan 저자: Mind Map: Life Plan

1. Career

1.1. How can I advance my career?

1.2. Find a job that I like

1.3. Learn skills that I enjoy and are relevant to the industry

1.4. Never settle or stop looking for a better job

2. Hobbies

2.1. What new hobbies would I enjoy?

2.2. Take up guitar lessons again

2.3. Learn HTML5

2.4. Design and maintain a family website

3. Friends

3.1. How can I spend more quality time with close friends?

3.2. Ensure that I don't let work and school dominate the after-hours

3.3. Keep in contact with the people that matter

3.4. Goal

4. Business

4.1. What are my business goals?

4.2. Goal

4.3. Goal

4.4. Goal

5. Family

5.1. How can I spend more quality time with the family?

5.2. Be an excellent role model for my children

5.3. Be understanding and sympathetic

5.4. Goal

6. Health

6.1. What can I do to improve my overall health?

6.2. Lose weight

6.3. Eat more good food, less bad food

6.4. Goal