Value of Relationship

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Value of Relationship 저자: Mind Map: Value of Relationship

1. Value

1.1. Money

1.1.1. Investments

1.1.2. Home

1.1.3. Vehicle

1.1.4. $

1.2. Time

1.2.1. Traditions/Heritage

1.2.2. Volunteer

1.2.3. Participate

1.2.4. Vulnerable

1.2.5. Talking

1.2.6. Listening

1.2.7. Planning

1.2.8. Eating

1.3. Life

1.3.1. Risk

1.3.2. Faith

1.3.3. Career

1.3.4. Family

1.3.5. Food

1.3.6. Love

1.3.7. Skills

1.3.8. Knowledge

2. 2 Concepts, Objects, People sharing a state of connection.

3. Relationship

3.1. React

3.2. Understand

3.3. Connect

3.4. Feelings for

3.5. Try (Walk-in-shoes)

3.6. Disagree

3.7. Observation

3.8. Communication

3.9. Share

3.10. Similarities/Commonalities

3.11. Team

3.12. Composition

3.13. Disagree

3.14. Properties

3.15. Personality

3.16. Risk

3.17. Open

3.18. Kinship (Family Tree)

3.19. Physical Affection/Sex