Rise in consuming electricity in air-conditioning in Oman

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Rise in consuming electricity in air-conditioning in Oman 저자: Mind Map: Rise in consuming electricity in air-conditioning in Oman

1. group organization

1.1. choose leader

1.2. distribute tasks

1.3. choose topic(problem)

2. rearch steps

2.1. gather information

2.1.1. reading articles

2.1.2. conducting interview

2.1.3. distributing questionnaire

2.1.4. investigating online statistics

2.2. analyse the results

2.2.1. summarize it into daigrams

2.2.2. sketch poster

3. limitation

3.1. part timer

3.2. new topic-not related to our major

4. Timeline

4.1. Start date

4.1.1. 12thSep-24thSep2012

4.2. Read topic

4.2.1. 29th Sep-6thOct2012

4.3. Research plan

4.3.1. 8thOct-17thOct2012

4.4. Collecting data

4.4.1. 20thOct-24 Nov2012

4.5. Analyzing data:

4.5.1. 26thNov-12th Dec2012

4.6. Presenting poster

4.6.1. 15th Dec 2012

5. Questions

5.1. 1.How does the air-conditioning pollutes the environment?

5.2. 2.How does the greenhouse gas occur?

5.3. 3- How much dose air-conditioning consume form electricity?

5.4. 4. What is relationship between rising of electricity and energy?

5.5. 5.How can we reduce the usage of air-conditioning during summer?

6. background

6.1. some statastics about the problem in the world

6.2. more information about problem in Oman

7. Reasons

7.1. more constructions

7.2. population

8. effects

8.1. environmental pollution

8.1.1. greenhouse gas emissions

8.1.2. depletion of natural resourses

9. objectives

9.1. to find out sutible solution of problem

9.2. to avoid the main factors which causes the problem

10. source of data

10.1. internet

10.2. interview

10.3. questionnaire

10.4. article

11. solution

11.1. eco-housing