Evaluation & assessment in e-mediated environments

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Evaluation & assessment in e-mediated environments 저자: Mind Map: Evaluation & assessment in e-mediated environments

1. Concerns

1.1. What are the REAL measures?

1.2. funding & reports

1.3. privacy / FERPA

1.4. What are unintended consequences?

2. Learners

2.1. students

2.1.1. report / project of history study

2.1.2. video of experiment

2.1.3. brochure of school play

2.2. employees

2.2.1. online testing

2.2.2. completing & submitting projects

2.3. website visitors

2.3.1. respond via posting

2.3.2. take a survey after a visit

2.4. customers

2.4.1. place an order

3. Program / system

3.1. Evaluation

3.1.1. Associated w/ program goals

3.1.2. Are ALL "groups" learning?

3.2. Analytics

3.2.1. time & statistics

3.2.2. measurement & storage