1. Server Side and Client Side Programming
1.1. PHP 5.4.6
1.2. ASP.NET
1.3. Java Script
1.4. Lodash
1.5. Bootsrap
1.6. GSAP
1.7. CSS
1.8. HTML5
2. Web Servers & Web Hosting
2.1. Nginex
2.2. Apache 2.4.6
2.3. Panthean
2.4. Amazon
2.4.1. Datacenter Provider
2.4.2. Ecommerce and other services
3. Reverse Proxy
3.1. Content Delivery Network
3.1.1. Fastly
3.1.2. Akamai
4. Advertising
4.1. Google Ads
5. Server Location
5.1. United States
6. Homepage
6.1. Content
6.1.1. Academic
6.1.2. About University
6.1.3. Campus Media /Life at University
6.1.4. Athletics
6.1.5. Research and Innovation
6.1.6. Admissions/Financial AID
6.1.7. News/Blog
6.2. Footer
6.2.1. Explore
6.2.2. Departments
6.2.3. Contact Information/Address Maps Parking
6.2.4. Navigation to links
6.3. Privacy Policy /Copyrights
6.4. Administrative Directories
6.4.1. Employment Verification
6.4.2. Salary,Payroll,Taxes
6.4.3. Penn Employee Solution Center
6.4.4. Add/Update Directory Information
6.4.5. Employee Records/Profiles
6.5. Social Media
6.5.1. Twitter
6.5.2. Linked In
6.5.3. Youtube
6.5.4. Facebook
6.5.5. Instagram
6.6. Header
6.6.1. Donation Tab
6.6.2. Menu/Navigation Links
6.6.3. Logo
6.6.4. Search bar
6.6.5. Resources All types
6.7. Login
6.7.1. Student
6.7.2. Proffessor
6.7.3. Admin
6.7.4. Staff
6.8. Albums
6.8.1. images
6.8.2. Videos
6.9. Upcoming Events
7. Funding
7.1. AWS Cloud service
8. URL
8.1. Subdomains
8.1.1. Node JS
8.2. TLD
8.3. Ports/Protocols
8.3.1. HTTP
8.4. SSL/TLS Certificate
8.4.1. SSL Certificate Authorities Starfield Let's Encrypt Sectigo IdenTrust
8.5. DNS Server Provider
8.5.1. Namecheap