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variables 저자: Mind Map: variables

1. Project Review

1.1. Summary of Project

1.2. Timeline:

1.3. Budget:

1.4. Resources:

2. a named area of storage, strongly typed language,

2.1. it can only be assigned values that are compatible to type int such as the value 100, which is an integer.

3. variable names

3.1. variable naming: the Java compiler allows the use of some special symbols, but in practice, we use just letters and numbers

3.1.1. variable names cannot start with a number. And camelCase simply means that when declaring a multi‑word variable name, we start each word after the first word with an uppercase letter Java allows us to modify the value of variables. So we can do things like assign the value of anotherVar to myVar.

4. final var

4.1. the final modifier comes in. So we've declared this variable, maxStudents, to have an initial value of 25. We've marked the variable as final, which means that once the variable's value is set, it cannot be changed

4.1.1. And this is a really powerful capability because it helps avoid errors