Game- Based Learning (GBL) as a learning tool in schools. Debate value and educational merit.

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Game- Based Learning (GBL) as a learning tool in schools. Debate value and educational merit. 저자: Mind Map: Game- Based Learning (GBL) as a learning tool in schools. Debate value and educational merit.

1. Introduction

1.1. What is GBL,

1.2. Example 1

1.3. Example 2

1.4. introduce for/against arguments

2. Arguments against- why is GBL a poor choice as a learning tool

2.1. Argument 1 against use of GBL- why is it not useful as a learning tool?

2.2. Argument 2 against use of GBL- What are some problems of GBL?

3. Conclusion

3.1. end arguments, state position either for or against use of GBL in schools

4. Arguments for- why is GBL a useful learning tool.

4.1. Argument 1 for use of GBL- why is it useful?

4.2. Argument 2 for use of GBL- what are some benefits of GBL?

5. Debate

5.1. Against- why is GBL a poor learning tool

5.2. For- why is GBL a useful learning tool