1. Volunteer Migration
1.1. Volunteer migration is when people migrate because they want to. Some pull factors to make people volunteer migrate is the promise of better life quality, a job, or their family is there.
2. Involuntary Migration
2.1. Involuntary Migration is when people are forced to leave a country when they do not. Some reasons this could be because of a job, government, or family needs.
3. Pull Factors
3.1. Family: People like to stay and reunite with their family and relatives. Many times young men go to a country and find a job. After they make ea living they send over their wife, kids, and parents.
3.2. Education: Another pull factor in education. many families move to a different country to help their education and their childrens.
4. Push Factors
4.1. Political: War is a very important political push factor. Also people may flee their county because they are scared of their leader or have fear of persecution. People will leave their countries if they believe the countries government is unfair.
4.2. Environmental: An environmental push factor can be caused be the weather. For example longterm drought. Another environmental reason is if the location and weather are not good for farming. People may starve and die if they are not able to get food and profit from their crops. Besides natural disasters and other events caused naturally, there can also be environmental changes due to human activity. factories can pollute the air around a farm or have a spill which makes the soil poisonis
4.3. Economic: The most common push factors are economic. People will leave their country to try their luck and start over in a different country. Many times the country people seek a better life in is the United States.
4.4. Persecution: persecution is the unfair treatment of people because of who they are or what they believe.
5. Three Waves of MIgration
5.1. First Wave
5.1.1. the first wave was where people traveled from Europe to america and started colonizing there. This was when america was found. Most of the immigrants at this time were coming to america from Europe.
5.2. Second Wave
5.2.1. The second wave of migration was in the late 1800. It was mainly people from eastern and southern Europe. majority of them were people fleeing the country due to war and persecution if they did not have the same religious beliefs. many found jobs in cities that were growing.
5.3. Third Wave
5.3.1. This wave started in the late 1960's and is still continuing today. Between 1970 and 200, about 24 million people migrated to the United States. About 75 percent of the people came from Latin america and Asia. Lots of migrants from Asian got homes on the west coast, many Mexicans settled near the southwest. Cubans went to Florida and people from Caribbean islands liked New York.