Curley`s wife
저자: Thea Østad
1. Carlson thinks she should stay at home, where she belongs
2. Her voice had a nasal, brittle quality
3. Lennie admires her
3.1. George doesn`t want Lennie to fancy her
3.1.1. George calls her a rattrap
3.1.2. George thinks she is going to make a mess
4. People think she shows much
4.1. Whit says "She ain`t concealing nothing"
4.2. Whit says "Seems like she can`t keep away from guys"
5. All the guys but Lennie is negative against her
5.1. Candy told her that she was not welcomed
6. She seems very bossy
7. She is the only woman on the farm
8. She is called:
8.1. Curley`s wife
8.2. Curley`s girl
8.3. "She"
9. Description:
9.1. Full, rouged lips
9.2. Widespaced eyes, heavily made up
9.3. Her fingernails is red
9.4. Her hair hung in little rolled clusters, like sausages
9.5. She wore a cotton house dress, and red mules
10. She likes to talk to someone, and not always stay in the house alone