what does inquiry look like in social studies?
by santana chief

1. Teacher=Rigour: adult rigorusly pursuing inquiry in a area if their subject matter.
1.1. Therefore, as teachers we need to do topics we find interesting, provacative and teach it.
2. Different ways of thinking
2.1. Critical Thinking
2.1.1. Critiqing our world
2.2. Historical Thinking
2.3. Throughline questioning
2.3.1. Redesigning and rethinking our knowledge.
3. Driving question!!!
3.1. Cirriculum based
3.2. Engaging, Engaging
3.3. Open-ended
3.4. Relatable
4. Moving beyond traditional teaching.
4.1. Giving students the tools to develop their own knowledge.
4.1.1. Technology!