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Great Britain by Mind Map: Great Britain

1. Chambers/Houses of Parliament

2. Political System and the British Parliament

2.1. The Act of Parliament

2.2. The Commons/The Lords

2.3. Life Peers

2.4. The Speaker

2.5. The Lord Chancellor

2.6. The Government of the Day

2.7. Bill

2.8. The Queen's Approval

3. Legends and Mysterious Places

3.1. Pendle Hill, Lancashire

3.2. The Tower of London

3.3. Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon

3.4. Dunster Castle, Somerset

3.5. Chanctonbury Ring, West Sussex

3.6. Newton House, Carmarthenshire

3.7. Ham House, Surrey

3.8. The Loch Ness Monster

3.9. Robin Hood

3.10. Kelpies

3.11. King Arthur

3.12. Selkies

3.13. Redcaps

3.14. Vocabulary

3.14.1. alleged - [ə'leʤɪd] – уявний lure - [ljuə] - приманювати, принаджувати menacing - ['menɪsɪŋ] – загрозливий beech - [biːʧ] – бук hover - ['hɒvə] – ширяти (в повітрі) muffled - ['mʌfld] – заглушений oppressive - [ə'presɪv] – гнітючий humpback - ['hʌmpbæk] – горб beast - [biːst] – звір, чудовисько shed - [ʃed] – скидати (шкіру) malicious - [mə'lɪʃəs] – злісний, злий malevolent - [mə'levəl(ə)nt] – недоброзичливий

4. The Queen and the Royal Family

5. Education in Great Britain

6. Poppy Day or Remembrance Day

7. Horn Dance

8. Food choice

9. Geographical Position and Climate

10. British Traditioins and Customs

10.1. Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day

10.2. Christmas

10.3. Boxing Day

10.4. Swan Upping

10.5. The Widow’s Buns

10.6. Vocabulary

10.7. a bowler – котел to commemorate – вшанувати torch-lit – освітлений факелами pagan – язичницький to chime – дзвонити remembrance – пам’ять homage – вшанування

10.8. Quiz

11. British Cuisine

11.1. Breakfast

11.2. Lunch

11.3. Dinner

11.4. Supper

11.5. Some dishes that deserve special mention

11.5.1. Shepherd’s Pie

11.5.2. Cornish pasty

11.5.3. Scotch eggs

11.6. Conservative traditional British cuisine

11.7. Drinks

11.8. Vocabulary

11.8.1. dainty- ласощі

11.8.2. light refreshments- легкі закуски

11.8.3. unvaried- незмінний

11.9. Quiz