Kirby Palmer

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Kirby Palmer by Mind Map: Kirby Palmer

1. School Level

1.1. Teaching Staff

1.2. Principal/ Vice Principal

1.3. EA Staff

1.4. Support Teachers (LRT, BRT, ELL etc)

1.5. Child and Youth Worker

2. Local Businesses

2.1. Pizza Delight

2.2. Coffee Shops

2.3. Local Toy Store

2.4. Movie Theatre

2.5. Custom Design and Print Store (school logo and clothing)

3. Parent Supports

3.1. Community Living

3.2. Grey Bruce Child and Family Services

3.3. Autism Ontario

3.4. Children's Aid Society

4. Volunteer Community

4.1. Pizza Program

4.2. Reading Recovery Program

4.3. Field Trips and Special Events

4.4. Staff Appreciation

4.5. Fundraising and Book Fairs

4.6. Breakfast Program

4.7. Sports/Extra Curriculars

5. Outside Agencies

5.1. Occupational Therapy

5.2. Physiotherapy

5.3. Counselling

5.4. Thames Valley Children's Centre

5.5. CPRI

5.6. Speech Therapy

5.7. Telemedicine

6. Mental Health Supports

6.1. CMHA Ontario

6.2. Wes for Youth Online

6.3. Keystone Youth and Family Services

6.4. School Mental Health Ontario

6.5. Kid's Help Phone