Coming of age and value in Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

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Coming of age and value in Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Mind Map: Coming of age and value in Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

1. Discovering who you are

1.1. Trying to find your identity in life

1.1.1. Doing new things and questioning everything

1.1.2. Accepting yourself and acknowledging your emotions.

1.1.3. What am I going to do with my life? An exmple would be Ari Struggling to find his purpose

1.2. How your identity relates to your family

2. Importance of communication

3. Learning to understand adults

3.1. The importance of the past defining the identity of adults

3.2. Understanding parents as people, not just their role

3.3. Why his parents made the choices they did

3.3.1. Dad

3.3.2. Parents make mistakes

4. Different identities than the main narrative

5. Representing social groups in stories

5.1. Latinos

5.2. LGBTQ

5.3. PTSD Victims

6. Exploring relationships, loneliness

6.1. Friends

6.1.1. develop greater Friendships

6.1.2. Learning and growing through friendship Ari learns communicating emotions from Dante

6.2. Family

6.2.1. Learning to understand yourself through understanding your parents Mom Dad doesn't talk much

6.3. Other books don't cover loneliness