Electromagnetic+Sound Waves

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Electromagnetic+Sound Waves by Mind Map: Electromagnetic+Sound Waves

1. Radiowaves

1.1. Action Point 1

1.2. Action Point 2

2. Ultraviolet

2.1. High Priority

2.2. Medium Priority

2.3. Low Priority

3. Visible Light

4. Sound Waves

5. X Rays

5.1. Discovered in 1895

5.1.1. Goal 1

5.1.2. Goal 2

5.2. Frequency 3 x 1016 - 3 x 1019

5.3. Highly energetic, not visible

5.3.1. Session Rule 1

5.3.2. Session Rule 2

5.4. Emitted by objects at very high temperatures(1 million degrees celsius

5.5. Wavelength 1 x 10-11 - 1 x 10-8 metres

5.6. Frequency 3 x 1016 - 3 x 1019 Hz

6. Microwaves

6.1. Causes objects to heat up through vibration

6.2. Problem 2

7. Infra-red Waves

7.1. Idea 1

7.1.1. Sub Idea 1

7.1.2. Sub Idea 2

7.2. Idea 2

7.3. Idea 3

7.4. Idea 4

8. Gamma Rays