1. Health and Safety
1.1. Problem
1.1.1. Contaminating food- The food they ate was not good food
1.1.2. Healthcare- Not very good doctor
1.2. Reformers
1.2.1. Upton Sinclair- wrote a novel called The Jungle exposing the lack of safety and sanitation for workers in the Meat Packing industry.
1.2.2. Alice Hamilton- was a doctor who helped factory workers. She noticed many workers who were getting weak and sometimes even dying because of lead poisoning.
1.3. Solution
1.3.1. Get better doctors so people don't get sicks as often
1.3.2. Make the jobs they are working like factors cleaner and better tools to use while they are working
2. Worker's Rights
2.1. Problem
2.1.1. People working in factors or in the fields had to work long hours and a very low wage
2.2. Reformers
2.2.1. Samuel Gomers- He felt workers all over the United States needed unions and felt new laws were needed to help working people. He fought for laws that would limit the work day to eight hours.
2.2.2. AFL-Change work hours and had many people in it
2.3. Solution
2.3.1. AFL- This group changes work hours and highered the wages
2.3.2. Strikes- This is when workers don't work until the boss raises the price and lowers the workers hours that they have to work each day
3. Suffrage
3.1. Problem
3.1.1. Woman were not able to vote and they did not get as many rights as the men did
3.2. Reformers
3.2.1. Elizabeth Cady- Stanton served as its first president.
3.2.2. Susan B. Anthony- Became the NAWSA president. Together they first focused on getting each state to allow its women to vote.
3.3. Solution
3.3.1. 19th amendment- The 19th amendment was created so woman got more rights
4. Prohibition
4.1. Problem
4.1.1. Alcoholism- Was connected to insanity and violence and led to poverty.
4.1.2. Immorality- In society like gambling and the destruction of families.
4.2. Reformers
4.2.1. Mary Hunt and the Women's Christian Temperance Union- Felt that Prohibition would promote morality and better health.
4.2.2. Carrie Nation- She went as far as taking a hatchet to saloons as she preached the evils of alcohol.
4.2.3. 18th Amendment- Banned the manufacture and sale of alcohol in the United States. Saloons were forced to close their doors.
4.3. Solution
4.3.1. Temperance Movement- Began to gain popularity as members called for a ban on the sale of alcohol to help put a stop to some of what they felt were society's evils.
5. Poverty
5.1. Problems
5.1.1. Crowded Tenements because they were in small apartments
5.1.2. Unsafe and sanitary because they did not have enough money to buy supplies to clean
5.2. Reformers
5.2.1. Jacob A Rills- Photographer that exposed the poor and people that are in poverty Jane Addams- She got a house and turned it into a settlement
5.3. Solution
5.3.1. Pay the workers more or raise minimum wage
6. Corruption
6.1. Problems
6.1.1. Political Machines- That influenced votes and controlled local governments.
6.2. Reformers
6.2.1. Robert M. LA Follette- Where voters chose who candidates for the parties to run
6.3. Solution
6.3.1. Direct Primary- Where votes choose candidates for there parties to run
7. Child Labor
7.1. Problem
7.1.1. The kids could get hurt and they worked long hours and got payed really bad
7.2. Reformers
7.2.1. Lewis Hine- Took photos of kids working in the factors to show how bad there jobs were
7.2.2. NCLC organisation that was crated to get rid of all child labor
7.3. Solution
7.3.1. The National Child Labor Committee was dedicated to ending all child labor.
8. Racism
8.1. Problem
8.1.1. Jim crow law were when they were trying to force segregation
8.1.2. Segregation is a big part of racism because the whites were trying to leave out the blacks
8.2. Reformers
8.2.1. Ida B. Wells was a lady of wrote about how blacks were being treated
8.2.2. W.E.B. Dubois created an organization called the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
8.3. Solution
8.3.1. The NAACP and were to end segregation
9. Conservation
9.1. Problem
9.1.1. Loss of natural resources- We were losing a lot of land every year
9.2. Reformers
9.2.1. Teddy Roosevelt- Business could no longer cut down tree on land
9.2.2. John muir- Preserved Yosemite
9.3. Solution
9.3.1. National Parks- This will allow business not to cut down things and animal not be killed here