1. Judaism
1.1. Traditions
1.1.1. When a boy or a girl turn 13 it is a tradition to have a Bar Myizfa
1.1.2. When they read scrolls they treat them with respect and with care, they also use a stick so that the scrolls will not smudge
1.2. History
1.2.1. The Diaspora was when many people died for their religion
1.2.2. Moses went to the top of a mountain and the ten commandments on stone slabs
1.2.3. The Roman empire took over the city of Juda
1.3. Beliefs
1.3.1. they thought that there was one invisible god
1.3.2. Jews refer their country as the promise land
1.3.3. Passover
2. Christianity
2.1. Beleifs
2.1.1. Jesus was the founder of Christianity
2.1.2. Jesus was is the messiah, son of god and he was born of the virgin Mary
2.1.3. They believed that their would be a savior
2.1.4. When John baptised Jesus, John had heard god say " you are the my beloved son."
2.1.5. Baptism symbolized their acceptance in the christan faith
2.1.6. Jesus performed many miracles
2.1.7. Jesus stayed on earth for 40 more days after he rose from his death
2.1.8. The Bible is a holy book
2.1.9. Jesus performed many miracles
2.1.10. Jesus stayed on earth for 40 days after he rose from his death
2.1.11. The Bible is said to be a holy book and there is an old testament and a new testament
2.1.12. God is one in the same; the father, the son and the holy spirit
2.1.13. They baptism symbolized their acceptance into the christian faith
2.1.14. The Eucharist is bread that served at mass to symbolize Jesus sacrificed his life for us
2.1.15. Penance is where you confess your sins to god
2.2. History
2.2.1. There were 12 disciples
2.2.2. Rome accepted Christianity
2.2.3. Saint means holy
2.2.4. Christianity was world wide
2.2.5. The Last Supper was where he held up bread and wine, and said it was his body and blood
2.2.6. Jesus was nailed to a cross and left there to die
2.2.7. In the bible there is an old testament and a new testament
2.2.8. Jesus taught to love others
2.2.9. The disicples became apostiles
2.2.10. Rome accepted Christianity
2.2.11. The Last Supper was when Jesus held up bread and wine and said it was his body and blood
2.2.12. Jesus taught to love others
2.2.13. Rome accpeted Christianity into the country
2.2.14. Christianity was world wide
2.2.15. Christianity has over 2 billion followers
3. Islam
3.1. History
3.1.1. Medea declared the city as holy
3.1.2. They created the first universitys
3.1.3. Islam split into 2 parts called sunni and shia
3.1.4. There are five pillars of Islam; Belief, Prayers, Fast, Alms and Pilgrims
3.1.5. Minart is a building where you can pray
3.2. Beliefs
3.2.1. Qur'an is with the words of the true god They believe that those are the direct words of god
3.2.2. Mandi will appear on earth with Jesus Christ
3.2.3. They pray in the direction of Mecka
3.2.4. They believe they were born to worship god
3.3. about religion
3.3.1. With 1 billion followers it is the second largest religion in the world
3.3.2. Islam means surrender
3.3.3. The people who practice the religion they call you muslums
3.3.4. The god was named Allah
3.3.5. Islam stretched more and more everyday
3.3.6. People pray 5 times everyday
3.3.7. Islam is wide spread in Africa
3.4. History
3.4.1. With 1 billion followers, it is the second largest religion in the world
3.4.2. Islam means surrender
3.4.3. For short they are called muslums
3.4.4. God was named Allah
3.4.5. Medea declared the city as holy
3.4.6. Islam stretched more and more everyday
3.5. Beliefs
3.5.1. Qur'an is with the words of the true god