US Civil War
by Xiaoyin Tan

1. Facts About the Civil War
1.1. The issues of slavery and central power divided the United States.
1.2. Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States during the Civil War.
1.3. Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States during the Civil War.
1.4. The bloodiest battle of the Civil War was the Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
1.5. After the war was over, the Constitution was amended to free the slaves, to assure “equal protection under the law” for American citizens, and to grant black men the right to vote.
1.6. The Civil War was fought between the Northern and the Southern states from 1861-1865.
1.7. The Civil War began when Southern troops bombarded Fort Sumter, South Carolina.
1.8. Many Civil War battlefields are threatened by development.
1.9. The North had more men and war materials than the South.
1.10. The North won the Civil War.
2. Ideas
2.1. The idea is that President Abraham Lincoln promised not to impose abolitionist goals on the South.
2.2. He was determined to keep border states like Kentucky and Maryland loyal to the Union and he believed that making the war absolutely about slavery would make this difficult.
2.3. After the Union victory at the Battle of Antietam, he ordered slaves freed in all areas of the Confederacy that did not declare loyalty to the Union by January 1, 1863.
2.4. Its goal was to secure independence from the North and to establish an independent nation free from Northern political abuse and the freedom of slavery. The War from beginning to end would be a noble movement for democracy for white people.
2.5. When it became clear to Lincoln that the North might lose the war and would only win with great difficulty, it became necessary to change the reason for fighting.
2.6. Freeing the slaves became that reason. The new Union goal was to retain and reshape the Union
3. Goals
3.1. To discuss the goals of the Union and Confederacy on the eve of the Civil War.
3.2. To examine the initial political strategies of the Union and Confederacy.
3.3. To examine the resources of the Union and Confederacy at the beginning of the war.
3.4. To explore the internal factors in the Confederate States of America that led to the Confederacy's defeat.
3.5. To understand Lincoln's presidency, especially his evolving beliefs about slavery and his role in passing the controversial 13th Amendment.
3.6. To understand the consequences of the Civil War.
4. Problems
4.1. On December of 1860, after when Lincoln won the presidential election, the Southern states began to break from the United States in an effort to conserve their way of life.
4.2. The Northern and Southern sections of the United States developed along different lines.
4.2.1. The Northern and Southern sections of the United States developed along different line