Stereotypes about young parents
by Meredyth Keating
1. To immature to be a parent
2. Uneducated
3. They're irresponsible
4. they won't give their children a good life
5. You'll never be able to achieve your goals/have the future you want
5.1. wanted to travel while you were young but that will be hard now
6. Their children won't be healthy
6.1. their life is over - they'll never reach their goals
6.1.1. depressed, scared, not confident, ignorant to what parenting would be like
7. 'kids having kids'
8. they should have given the child up for adoption
9. You and ur kids can have fun together l
9.1. You are strong for having kids so young
10. Your life is over
11. How did you do it ?
12. You won't have the best interest for your baby
13. People stare
14. Your life is ruined
15. They won't be good role models for their children
16. Won't ever be successful
17. always end up being a single mom
18. feel like you haven't gotten to experience much in life
19. At least they didn't have an abortion
20. Babies shouldn't raise babies
21. Your still a baby yourself
22. Irresponsible
23. they will neglect the child