1. बाइबिल यात्रा
1.1. परमेश्वर के संपर्क
1.1.1. कुलपति Patriarchs
1.1.2. न्यायाधीशों Judges
1.1.3. भविष्यवक्ता Prophetic Era
1.1.4. राजा Reign of Royalty
1.2. परमेश्वर ने प्रगट किया
1.2.1. सारांश, सुसमाचार, प्रेरितों के काम Gospels, Acts
1.2.2. पौलुस के पत्र Pauls Letters
1.2.3. शक्तिशाली पत्र Powerful Letters
1.2.4. प्रकाशित वाक्य Revelation
2. Nuggets
2.1. Illustrations
2.2. Videos
2.3. Devotionals
2.4. Poems
2.5. Skits
2.6. Humour
2.8. Reflections
3. Connect
4. Home
5. Gracious Jesus
5.1. Matthew, God’s Kingdom
5.1.1. 1 Presenting the King (Matt 1-4 and parallels)
5.1.2. 2 True Blessedness (Matt 5:1-12 and parallels)
5.1.3. 3 Kingdom Lifestyle – Part 1 (Matt 5:13-48 and parallels)
5.1.4. 4 Kingdom Lifestyle – Part 2 (Matt 6 and parallels)
5.1.5. 5 Kingdom Lifestyle – Part 3 (Matt 7 and parallels)
5.1.6. 6 Master Strokes (Matt 8 and parallels)
5.1.7. 7 The King Calls (Matt 9 and parallels)
5.1.8. 8 The King Commissions (Matt 10 and parallels)
5.1.9. 9 Signs, Sinners and the Saviour (Matt 11 and parallels)
5.1.10. 10 Power Games and Names (Matt 12 and parallels)
5.1.11. 11 Hidden Wisdom (Matt 13:1-43 and parallels)
5.1.12. 12 Hidden Treasures (Matt 13:44-14 and parallels)
5.1.13. 13 The Gall and the Glory (Matt 15-17:9 and parallels)
5.1.14. 14 Winning Others Over (Matt 17:10-18:35 and parallels)
5.1.15. 15 Kingdom Values and Wealth (Matt 20 and parallels)
5.1.16. 16 The Royal Entry (Matt 21 and parallels)
5.1.17. 17 The Chosen Few (Matt 22 and parallels)
5.1.18. 18 The King’s Coming (Matt 24:1-44 and parallels)
5.1.19. 19 The Final Countdown (Matt 24:45 – 25:46 and parallels)
5.1.20. 20 The King’s last days (Matt 26 and parallels)
5.1.21. 21 Desertion (Matt 26:36-75 and parallels)
5.1.22. 22 God’s Lamb Sacrificed (Matt 27: 1-50 and parallels)
5.1.23. 23 The King Conquers (Matt 27:51-28 and parallels)
5.2. Mark, Christ, Chief Cornerstone
5.3. Luke, God's Son Seeks and Saves
5.4. John, Life to the Full
6. Bible Journey
6.1. God’s Touchpoints
6.1.1. Patriarchs
6.1.2. Judges
6.1.3. Reign of Royalty
6.1.4. Prophetic Era
6.2. God Revealed
6.2.1. NT Summary, Gospels and Acts
6.2.2. Paul’s letters
6.2.3. Powerful letters
6.2.4. Revelation, the Final Frontier