5 ways woman fall in love

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5 ways woman fall in love Door Mind Map: 5 ways woman fall in love

1. get to know you as a person

1.1. deeper level conversation

1.1.1. sharing secrets and stories

1.2. initial attraction

2. get to know how/what you think

2.1. have capable of logic in thoughts

2.2. willing to explore life's phylosophies with her

2.3. smart enough to help her in her time of need as well as fend for himself

3. get to know that you're reliable

3.1. select partner to share duties in family life

3.1.1. capable of caring children

4. be a good conversationalist

4.1. make interests conversations

4.1.1. bond closer and become more intimate

4.2. not always talk, give her comfortable silence

5. can be herself in front of you

5.1. she can be her full true self around him even in her most embarrassing and at moments.

5.2. prove that you can always be there for her in order to wait until she opens her heart