SCIENCE - Solids and Liquids

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SCIENCE - Solids and Liquids Door Mind Map: SCIENCE - Solids and Liquids

1. Change state

1.1. melting

1.1.1. solid - liquid

1.1.2. heat

1.2. freezing

1.2.1. cool

1.2.2. liquid to solid

1.2.3. solidifying

2. Separating

2.1. dissolving and evaporate

2.1.1. salt and water

2.2. filter paper and funnel

2.2.1. sand and water

2.3. seive

2.3.1. stones and sand

2.4. magnet

2.4.1. steel and other metals

3. Solids

3.1. can act like liquid

3.1.1. rice, flour, sand

3.2. May dissolve in a solvent

3.3. some can melt -- liquid

3.4. Keep their shape

4. Liquids

4.1. some can cool - freeze - become solids

4.2. take the shape of the container

4.3. can be poured

4.4. things can dissolve in them - solvent

5. Properties of materials

5.1. hard / soft

5.2. shiny / dull

5.3. strong / weak

5.4. rough / smooth

5.5. flexible / brittle