1. Location
1.1. Manoa CyberCANOE in Keller 103
2. Student Outcomes
2.1. Students will remember key rules of thumb in VR/AR application design.
2.2. Students will be aware of advances in VR & AR hardware and software, and its applications.
2.3. Students will apply VR & AR design rules toward the development of applications.
2.4. Students will create a demonstration VR & AR application from the ground up.
3. Course Objectives
3.1. To conceptualize effective VR & AR applications
3.2. To apply techniques to implement a successful VR./AR application
3.3. To manage multi-disciplinary VR/AR development
3.4. To evaluate VR/AR technologies and applications
4. Time
4.1. Tuesdays 3-5:30p
5. Instructor
5.1. Roderick Tabalba - Computer Science - Manoa
5.1.1. tabalbar@hawaii.edu
6. Office Hours
6.1. Th : 3:00-4:00 Keller 102
7. Schedule
8. Grade
8.1. Instructions
8.1.1. Students will form teams of 3 to work on Deliverables 1-3.
8.1.2. You have 1 month to work on each deliverable.
8.1.3. Create a gallery of interesting objects- like in an art gallery, or a science museum, or a history museum.
8.1.4. Create at least 10 3D objects - a combination of objects from scratch using Maya/Blender and photogrammetry. For photogrammetry you can use Regard3D
8.1.5. Add signage to the gallery or audio to explain things in the environment.
8.1.6. Create a way to navigate the gallery.
8.1.7. Create a way to interact with objects in the gallery- e.g. shine a flashlight on things, or pickup and throw things...
8.1.8. Design the layout of the gallery to best accommodate the strengths and weaknesses of the Oculus, CyberCANOE and Vuforia.
8.1.9. You will need to port the gallery into each one of the 3 environments.
8.1.10. Make a video of your work.
8.2. Deliverable 1 (25%) - Rube Goldberg
8.2.1. ICS: Create a Rube Goldberg machine featuring 3 different GameObjects and 3 Events.
8.3. Deliverable 2 (25%) - Virtual Reality
8.4. Deliverable 3 (25%) - Augmented Reality
8.5. Deliverable 4 (25%) Paper presentation by each student.
9. Logistics
9.1. Students will form teams of 3
9.2. Each week all team's members will attend a live lecture in Keller 103 with social distancing, etc...
9.3. Live attendees will have time to work hands-on on their projects.
9.4. Students will work on their projects and each week will need to present on what they worked on for the week.
10. Resources
10.1. IEEE Virtual Reality
10.2. Presence
10.3. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
10.3.1. http://www.ismar2016.org
10.4. Virtual Reality Software & Technology
10.5. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality
10.5.1. http://www.nextmed.com