Message Map
Door philippe boukobza

1. Key Point 1
1.1. Supporting point 1.1
1.1.1. Supporting point 1.2 Supporting point 1.3
2. Key Point 2
2.1. Supporting point 2.1
2.1.1. Supporting point 2.2 Supporting point 2.3
3. Key Point 3
3.1. Supporting point 3.1
3.1.1. Supporting 3.2 Supporting 3.3
4. What is a Message Map?
4.1. The Message Map Technique is a strategic communication tool used to align messaging across an organization, ensuring consistency and impact by creating a visual diagram that lays out key messages, proof points, and supporting details for a product, campaign, or initiative. It helps prevent mixed messages, enables organizations to speak with one voice, and ensures compelling narratives that resonate with customers.