Tax & the election

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Tax & the election Door Mind Map: Tax & the election

1. Battle bus

2. Aim - get all parties to engage & set out position on tax justice issues.

2.1. Local hustings

2.2. Candidates

2.2.1. New ones very open to social media twitter facebook

2.2.2. want to connect to constituents

3. Create a digital campaign trail

4. Voting

4.1. Alternative voting stations

4.2. alt voting cards

4.3. dodgy postal votes

4.4. Candidates - vote for tax justice

5. Kissing babies

5.1. Beautiful baby for tax justice supporting candidates

5.2. Bearded baby for those who don't

5.2.1. attend rallies

6. Get more volunteers involved

6.1. Basic banana animation

6.2. YCN artists

6.3. Prep wish list of tasks/jobs we'd like doing

7. Party politcal broadcast

7.1. SSPA - election special edit?

8. Stories

8.1. Link via Nepal case study?

8.2. A voter in a developing country

9. ORS party

9.1. or - Bent Banana's tax dodging party

9.1.1. Banana republic

9.1.2. We don't care about tax hikes - coz we don't pay tax anyway!

10. Tax - already an election issue

10.1. link to aid/wider development narrative

10.2. Self interest argument

11. Supporters

11.1. attend Question Time with a q

11.1.1. wearing an ORS tasch / rosette

12. Party bill boards

12.1. subvertise?