Door Willem Broer

1. aquarius
1.1. gaia aqua
1.2. ormus
1.2.1. halexandria
1.2.2. pyramids
2. AQwaVit
2.1. waterglas
2.2. penta power
2.3. heerlijk water
2.4. water 25
2.5. watercure
2.6. triploder
3. tornado tube
3.1. in a bottle
3.2. pure H2O
4. nieuw water
4.1. fractalwater
4.2. structured water
4.3. aqua power joint
4.4. restoring health
4.5. ring of harmony
4.6. WaterCure
5. orgone & consciousness
5.1. joe cell explained
5.2. water accumulates orgone
5.3. water and orgone
6. bewustzijn en water
6.1. consciousness
6.2. geheugen van water
6.3. water memory
6.3.1. acquaphi