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the minoans Door Mind Map: the minoans

1. two major factors contributed to the growth and prosperity of the minoan civilization.

1.1. One was the sea the other was the land.

1.2. The calm waters of the mediterranean sea that surrounded the island proved to be excellent fishing grounds.

1.3. The minoans also constructed a large naval and merchant fleet of ships.

1.4. The minoans traded their wares as far off as syria and egypt.

2. Minoan potters were regarded as the best in the world,and their fares were much sought after throughout the mediterranean region.

2.1. Their distinctive pottery used a technique known as sgraffito to etch designs and figures onto the pottery.

2.2. Many grecian urns showed mythological tales,glimpses of everyday farming life, or intricate patterns and symbols indicative of a certain region.

3. They appear to have enjoyed many sports,including boxing,and a dangerous form of acrobatics performed with bulls.

3.1. This bull-leaping was probably similiar to the modern day rodeo.

4. Women were accorded special status because they were responsible for bearing children who assured the continued existence of the minoan civilization.

4.1. Some historians believe this high regard for women streamed from the Minoan main deity-the mother godess ,or snake godess.

4.2. Snakes were worshipped in every household as guardians of the home,and only those women blessed by the mother godess were permitted to bear children.

4.3. Because of this elevated status,Minoan women appear to have enjoyed many freedoms that were denied women in other ancient cultures.

4.4. They participated in sports,hunted,and attended sports and other cultral events,such as theater.

5. Around 1450 B.C. the minoan civilization began to decline.

5.1. On Thera,an island north of crete,a huge vocanic explosion killed all the inhabitants of Thera and created a massive cloud of vocanic ash that engulfed crete.

6. Then part of the island of Thera collapsed,creating earthquakes and spawning tidal waves over 500 feet high.

6.1. Huge walls of water crashed upon the shores of crete ,devastating the minoan ship fleets.

6.2. And clouds of choking ash darkened the skies and suffocated the animals and people.

6.3. Fires swept through buildings ignited by ash,and posionous fumes and gases drifted across the island.

6.4. The capital,Knossos,was spared the worst damage because it was located inland.

7. These natural disasters probably made the minoans believe they were being punished and destroyed by their gods.

7.1. Phiscally and morally weakened,they were now easy prey for invaders from the north,mainly the mycenaean greeks-a rough and crude people who eventually over through the government at knossos and destroyed the palace.

7.2. Still the minoan culture endured for many more centuries.

7.3. The influence of Minoan farming,religon ,art,and architecture greatly influenced the new mycenaean civilization and helped greece again acheve great power in the mediterranean region.

8. The earliest greek settlers arrived on the island of crete around 6000B.c.

8.1. They most likely came by boat from asia minor

8.2. For thousands of years they lived peacefully in caves and simple huts,isolated from the rest of the world.

9. The minoans proved to be excellent farmers and crete is blessed with a vast amount of fertile soil.

9.1. At the palace of knossos archeologists have discovered large jars of olive oil, grain,and honey and other food crops.

9.2. The minoans were able to grow more food than the whole population could consume, and they had an abundance of other resources, such as timber and wool.

9.3. Their prosperity grew through exporting their surplus goods.

10. Their trading abilities and wealth allowed the minoans to import materials they didn't have locally.

10.1. From imported gold,silver,and other metals,and fabrics,Minoan craftsman created delicate jewelry,elaborate clothing,and ornaments.

10.2. Minoan paintings showed that woman wore long,and patterened,and intricately embroidered gowns with many layers of petticoats.

10.3. Men and woman alike wore jewelry.