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1. Learning Goals

1.1. Presenting

1.1.1. helps students collaborate

1.1.2. Gains attention

1.1.3. Facilitates Problem Solving Techniques

1.2. Writing

1.2.1. Develop Writing

1.2.2. Organization

1.2.3. Publishing and Collaborating

1.3. Researching

1.3.1. Integration

2. Learning Assessment

2.1. Formative Assessment

2.1.1. Digital Sharing of Presentations Peer Revisions Teacher-Student Conferences

2.1.2. Jigsaw Presentations

2.1.3. Practice/Rehearsal Presentations

2.2. Summative Assessment

2.2.1. Formal Speeches

2.2.2. Debates

2.2.3. Collaborative Presentations Potential for Peer Grading

2.3. Criterion-Referenced Assessment

2.3.1. Rubric Based Grading

2.3.2. Demonstration of Content Mastery

2.4. Authentic Classroom Assessment

2.4.1. Real World Basis/Context

2.4.2. Ability to Display Connections

2.4.3. Exhibition of Communication and Presentation Skills

3. Learning Activities

3.1. Individual Activities

3.1.1. Autobiographies

3.1.2. Biographies Timline

3.1.3. Book Report

3.1.4. Impromptu Debate

3.1.5. Presentations

3.1.6. Venn Diagram

3.2. Group Activities

3.2.1. Presentations

3.2.2. Lesson Plan

3.3. Global Activities

3.3.1. Presentation

3.4. Class Activities

3.4.1. Unit Review Terms Jeopardy

4. Teacher Roles

4.1. Bring the Lesson Back to Life

4.1.1. Telling Stories

4.1.2. Watching Videos

4.2. Present a Timeline

4.2.1. Educational Timeline

4.2.2. Due Dates Timeline

4.3. Display Student Data

4.4. Introducing Yourself on Open House Night

4.4.1. About your Classroom

4.4.2. About yourself

4.5. Explore the Features of a New Classroom Tool

4.5.1. What they are doing

4.5.2. How to use them:

4.6. Share the Rubric for a project

4.6.1. Requirements

4.6.2. Examples

4.7. Present Daily Activites

4.7.1. Daily Writing Prompts

4.7.2. Daily Math Problems