Islamic Studies

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Islamic Studies por Mind Map: Islamic Studies

1. Tests

1.1. Easy

1.2. Educational

1.3. Gives you ideas and thoughts about how you should think

2. Memorization

2.1. Teachings of the Muslim religion

2.2. How you should live your life

2.3. What is the purpose of life

3. Teacher

3.1. Mr. Younes

3.1.1. Kind

3.1.2. Smart

3.1.3. Educated Has his masters degree

3.1.4. Fun

3.1.5. Nice

3.1.6. Fit

3.1.7. Modest

3.1.8. Modest

4. Subjects we studied about

4.1. Parts of the Holy Quran

4.1.1. Are the basis of islam

4.2. Prophit's Sayings

4.2.1. Has really important morals

4.3. Special prayers

4.3.1. Praying in Lunar Eclipse

4.3.2. Praying in Solar Eclipse

4.3.3. "Asking for rain" prayers

4.4. Lunar calender

4.5. Praying on the dead

5. Teaches you about the religon

5.1. It affects your life