Cultural Identity Concept Map

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Cultural Identity Concept Map por Mind Map: Cultural Identity Concept Map

1. American

1.1. Having a privileged life

1.2. Being exposed to all different cultures

1.3. The freedom to make choices for yourself

2. White

2.1. Not experiencing as much racism

2.1.1. Top Priorities

2.1.2. Medium Priorities

2.1.3. Low Priorities

2.2. Experiencing the privileges of a white person in modern society

2.2.1. Top Priorities

2.2.2. Medium Priorities

2.2.3. Low Priorities

3. Female

3.1. Being "lady like"

3.2. Trying to break down gender roles to be a strong women

3.3. Having to be aware of your surroundings

4. Christianity

4.1. Having good morals and values

4.2. Being a better version of myself

4.3. By going to church every Sunday