Citizenship - Tuakana Teina??

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Citizenship - Tuakana Teina?? por Mind Map: Citizenship - Tuakana Teina??

1. Science curriculum week

1.1. Interchange focus around material world..

1.2. enquire re: science alive coming out

1.3. Follow up curriculum week with class science investigation with a focus on science skills and attitudes.

1.4. note the 'making better sense'... books

2. Making a community magazine promoting citizenship....called 'the Hanmer way?'

2.1. link to people in our community who show.....integrity, respect, etc....

3. What does it mean to be a good citizen

3.1. The Hanmer Way..

4. Narrative to start the year ...citizenship...

4.1. the enormous turnip.

4.2. the rainbow fish

5. Friday afternoon 2 * termly art interchange

6. 2:15pm sport Friday afternoon?

7. Social science

7.1. New node

8. Keeping a finger on the pulse - local and global. Maintain awareness of what is going on in the world, share information and discoveries. Discuss, respond to and reflect on global and local issues.

9. Citizenship - the condition or status of a citizen, with its rights and duties. A person's conduct as a citizen.

9.1. What rights and duties do we have in our school? our community?

9.2. How do we develop our values and beliefs?

9.3. How can we become active citizens who contribute positively to society?

9.4. How can we learn to live effectively and productively as local and gloal communities?

10. Working in teams

10.1. How teams work link to sport. Showing that teams of people achieve things

11. Focus on belonging

11.1. being part of a family, groups

11.2. What does it mean to be a member of a community?

11.3. What is similar about all communities? What makes our community unqiue?

11.4. Why do we choose to belong to particular groups?

12. Roles and responsibilities

12.1. organising class culture...

12.2. roles communities, govt, cicvil defence etc....

13. Production....The Arts ... citizenship...

13.1. Katie to have a look into options....

14. How can we make a difference to the lives of children in developing countries?

14.1. How do our lives differ to the lives of children in developing countries?

15. What can we do to support disadvantaged children in NZ?

15.1. Children/families who have suffered in the Christchurch earthquake