64th World Newspaper Congress 19th World Editors Forum 2-5 September 2012 Kiev/Ukraine Crowdsour...

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64th World Newspaper Congress 19th World Editors Forum 2-5 September 2012 Kiev/Ukraine Crowdsourcing: Pressing topics and potential speakers por Mind Map: 64th World Newspaper Congress 19th World Editors Forum 2-5 September 2012 Kiev/Ukraine  Crowdsourcing: Pressing topics and potential speakers

1. Financial markets and their impact on newspaper publishers

2. New Business Models for News Publishers

2.1. Paywalls

2.2. Successful Niche Print Products

3. Managing the Change: Leadership

4. The Power of Print

5. Digital Revolution

5.1. Tablet Publishing Trends

5.2. Social Media

6. New Audiences / Young Readers Develoment

7. Press Freedom

8. Explanation: Add your ideas to this Mindmap on what the pressing industry topics are that should be covered during the World Newspaper Congress and World Editors Forum in Kiev, September 2012. Feel free to add suggestions for inspiring speakers