Chapter 5 Gaining Leverage through power and Persuasion

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Chapter 5 Gaining Leverage through power and Persuasion por Mind Map: Chapter 5 Gaining Leverage through power and Persuasion

1. Leveraging Power from Your BATNA

1.1. Believing you have a strong BATNA

1.2. Convincing Others of the Strength of your BATNA

1.3. changes in BATNA during negotiation

2. What is BATNA

2.1. Best alternative to a negotiated Agreement

3. Persuasion through process

3.1. Who to Influence and How

3.2. Shape Perception of Interest and Goals

3.3. Use a Negotiating Process that Fosters Buy-In

4. Leveraging Power through tactics

5. Leveraging the Source of Power

5.1. Reward Power and Coercive Power

5.1.1. controlling Resources

5.2. Legitimate Power

5.2.1. Position or Authority

5.3. Expert Power

5.3.1. Controlling Information

5.4. Reference Power: Personal Attributes

6. Leverage power through Persuasion

6.1. Framing the Question

6.2. Creative Persuasive Arguments

6.3. Using Persuasive Language

6.4. Focusing on the Listener's Perspective

7. Tools for Persuasive Communications

7.1. Verbal Communication

7.2. Nonverbal Communication

7.3. Stereotyping and Prejudice

7.4. Understanding Ecomotions