Color's Role in Visual Communication

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Color's Role in Visual Communication por Mind Map: Color's Role in Visual Communication

1. Resources

1.1. Existing scholarly literature

1.2. Secular sources

1.2.1. Pantone color book

2. Color as a persuasive strategy

2.1. Colors and their basic roles

2.2. Establishing credibility

2.3. Emotional influences

3. Color theories in visual communication

4. History of color

4.1. In life

4.2. In Business

5. The role of color in corporate communication

5.1. How to choose colors that represent your brand

5.1.1. Websites

5.1.2. Logos

5.2. How to choose colors that encourage sales

5.2.1. Product development

5.2.2. Advertising

5.2.3. Consumer preferences

5.3. Real-world examples

5.3.1. Corporate successes

5.3.2. Corporate failures

6. Companies with successful color images

7. Psychology of color