
Have fun while describing your Superheroes

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Brave por Mind Map: Brave

1. Merida

1.1. Modig

1.1.1. Brave

2. Elinor

3. Harris, Hubert and Hamish

3.1. Uartige

3.1.1. Naughty

3.2. Søde

3.2.1. Sweet

3.3. Sjov

3.3.1. Funny

4. The Theme and Moral of Brave

4.1. In the movie, Merida says that “Our fate lives in us. You only have to be brave enough to see it.” Try to explain what that means.

4.2. Moral: What is to be learned from this movie?

4.3. What themes do you recognize?

5. Tasks Group 1

5.1. Use as many adjectives (tillægsord) as you can to describe the characters. Write the Danish and the English word: Merida King Fergus Queen Elinor

6. Tasks Group 2

6.1. How would you describe the main charaters in the film? Write in sentences. Merida King Fergus Queen Elinor

6.2. What do you learn about Scotland in the film? Nature, history ....

7. Extra task

7.1. Summary of the movie

8. Fergus

9. Tasks Group 3

9.1. There are different issues and topics in the film. How many can you find?

9.2. The film is called "Brave". Does the title fit the film, do you think? Why/why not?

9.3. How would you describe the characters in the film? Write in sentences.. Merida King Fergus Queen Elinor

9.4. Why does Merida return to the witch with her (bear)mother there is something, the witch has forgotten to tell her - how to break the spell. If the spell isn't broken by the second sunrise it will be permanent. To break it Merida has to remember these words: Fate be changed look inside, mend the bond torn by pride. What is meant by these words?

9.5. What do you learn about Scotland in the film when it comes to nature and history?