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Conceptual Music por Mind Map: Conceptual Music

1. What happens or is going to happen affects what else happens

1.1. What happens first affects what will happen next

1.2. What is planned to happen or is inevitable that it is going to happen affects what will happen before that final thing happens.

1.3. The notes themselves don't actually matter, exactly - what matters is what happens before or after those notes, which determines what note will "fit nicely into the grand scheme of things".

2. I do not practice

2.1. I am not a performer of pre-written music. I am a composing performer. The rules are completely different. I simply require a solid conceptual framework around which I make music happen.

3. I have a conceptual framework

3.1. Music consists of:

3.1.1. Sounds going up

3.1.2. Sounds going down

3.1.3. Sounds staying the same

3.1.4. Sounds disappearing

3.1.5. Sounds appearing again

3.1.6. Sounds getting louder

3.1.7. Sounds getting softer

3.1.8. Sounds being dissonant

3.1.9. Sounds being consonant

3.1.10. Sounds being heard alone

3.1.11. Sounds being heard with other sounds

3.1.12. If other sounds, sounds moving away from each other

3.1.13. If other sounds, sounds moving toward each other.

3.1.14. If other sounds, sounds remaining static in their relationship to each other.

3.1.15. Sounds moving fast

3.1.16. Sounds moving slowly

3.1.17. Sounds not moving (droning)

3.2. Unpleasant sounds are:

3.2.1. Annoying

3.2.2. Un-pretty

3.2.3. Never resolve

3.2.4. "Make no sense"

3.2.5. Deliberately aggravating

3.3. Pleasant sounds are:

3.3.1. Soothing

3.3.2. Entertaining

3.3.3. Relaxing

3.3.4. Fun and exciting

3.3.5. Have tensions that resolve themselves

3.3.6. "Make sense"

3.3.7. Deliberately delightful

3.4. Sounds/Instruments Themselves Suggest Certain Types of Musics

3.4.1. Their suggestions can be felt

3.4.2. Those felt suggestions can inspire how the composition carries itself forward.

4. Live Composition is a form of High Risk Conceptual Art

4.1. It could suck

4.2. It might be great

4.3. It might be mediocre

4.4. I might push beyond my skill level to realize what is in my head.

4.5. It might pull out an "Alexander Technique" level of amazingness producing skill levels beyond my typical abilities.

4.6. It is worthwhile in the name of Fine Art to do this if only as a piece of conceptual artwork.

5. I have challenges

5.1. The Melody Challenge Space Music Deluxe Dissonance Without Being Ugly Scary Spaces With Melodies Scary Spaces Without Melodies One-Note-Wonders Sync Doesn't Matter Online Jam Sync Does Matter - A Multi-tracking Exercise SATB - Voices Pieced Together Completely Random - Composing As Inspired By Sounds Incompletely Random - Composing Variations On A Theme As Inspired By Sounds