1. The ability to acquire new information or skills. The most effective way to show understanding of what is learned is by teaching it to another.
2. Topic 1 Activity
3. What it looks like to me
3.1. Encouraging Personal Growth and Independance
3.1.1. Teaching self regulation and determination
3.2. Positive Learning Environments
3.2.1. Ensuring that the environment of learning is safe for every student, giving them optimal chances to learn and grow
3.3. Different Learning Styles
3.3.1. Preferred ways to learn information and skills
3.4. "Someone's got to be crazy about that kid" (Bronfenbrenner)
3.4.1. Someone must be willing to care for a child, even if it's only their teacher for 6 hours a day
4. What it feels like to me
4.1. No Student is Left Behind
4.1.1. Supporting different needs of students to receive the same educational opportunities
4.2. Inclusivity
4.2.1. Ensuring all students are included in all subjects
4.3. Building and Modeling good relationships
4.3.1. Promoting good relationships through modeling and low key correcting issues as they arrise
4.4. Supporting Positive Social and Emotional Development
4.4.1. Supporting more than the academic needs of students, by teaching them about caring for and understanding themselves
5. Definition
6. What it sounds like to me
6.1. Discussions
6.1.1. Student initiated discussions on things that further their understanding
6.1.2. Teacher initiated discussions to scaffold students on concepts
6.2. Collaboration
6.2.1. students collaborating to develop skills to solve problems or create things
6.3. Questions
6.3.1. Levels of questions to promote different thinking about a topic
7. What thinking supports it best
7.1. AITSL Standards
7.1.1. 7 standards set in Australia to guide the role of teachers from new graduates to lead teachers
7.2. Urie Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Systems
7.2.1. A theory that depicts how different aspects affect each person from most to least directly.
7.3. Pavlov's Classical Conditioning
7.3.1. Training responses to stimuli
7.4. Maslow's Heirachy of Needs
7.4.1. The base needs and wants of humans, required to motivate human actions.
7.5. Piaget and Vygotsky on Cognitive Development
7.5.1. Stages of growth and development in a person's life
7.6. Classroom Management Models
7.6.1. Autocratic
7.6.2. Authoritarian
7.6.3. Authorative/ Democratic
7.6.4. Liberal
7.6.5. Laissez-faire