Alicia Loch's mind map vocab project
por Alicia Loch
1. Trophic (energy) Levels
1.1. Tertiary Consumer
1.2. Secondary Consumer
1.3. Primary Conumer
1.4. Producer
2. Abiotic Factors
3. Food chains
3.1. Food chains always start with the Sun and the arrows always point to where the energy is going.
3.2. A food chain must stay within its own ecosystem. For example, if one was making an ecosystem of the marine life, they wouldn't add an elephant there.
4. Biodiversity
4.1. Hot spots
4.2. ecological succession
4.3. Primary succession
4.4. secondary succession
5. food web
6. population
6.1. Pioneer species
6.2. climax community
6.3. Limiting factors
6.4. carrying capacity
6.5. Population growth
6.6. Black plague
7. Industrial Revolution
7.1. Exponential growth
7.2. Sustainability
7.3. Logistic growth
7.4. J-curve
7.5. S-curve
7.6. Population growth rate
8. organization pyramid
8.1. organisims
8.2. population
8.3. communities
8.4. ecosystem
8.5. biome
8.5.1. Rainforests
8.5.2. temperate deciduous forest
8.5.3. coniferous forest
8.5.4. desert
8.5.5. tundra
8.5.6. grassland/savannah
8.5.7. freshwater biome
8.5.8. marine biome