Types Of Editing Styles

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Types Of Editing Styles por Mind Map: Types Of Editing Styles

1. Continuity

1.1. A film or video creation, of combining more-or-less related shots, or different components cut from a single shot, into a sequence. Making it look smooth.

1.2. Example:

2. Cross Cutting

2.1. Technique most often used in films to establish action occurring at the same time in two different locations. The camera will cut away from one action to another action

2.2. Example: Inception fight scene/car scene.

3. History of editing

3.1. Editing before computers used a physical cut.

4. Montage

4.1. The technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole.

4.2. Example: The opening scene of Hot Fuzz showing how he got into the police academy.

5. Non-Continuity

5.1. Non-Continuity is when shots are mismatched to disrupt the impression of time and space. This draws the audiences’ attention to the process of cutting and disturbs the illusion of ‘reality’.

5.2. Example: Flashbacks, example in are film is when he goes back in time a tint is used and the shots become a bit quicker.

6. Transitions

6.1. Quick Cut

6.2. Fade in/out

6.3. Wipe

6.4. Dissolve

6.5. Jump Cut

7. Linear

7.1. When a film keeps in the order of beginning, middle and end. Meaning the story goes in order.

7.2. Example: Batman Dark Knight Rises a

8. Non-Linear

8.1. When the film may start with the end and end with the start. The audience does not know what order the film could go in.

8.2. Example: Memento