My goal and my way to reach it

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My goal and my way to reach it por Mind Map: My goal and my way to reach it

1. HOW - Specify a certain time for writing activity. Reading books to have a strong background about the literature overall, also gaining a clear knowledge about arabic and saudi literatures and novels. Moreover, I'll make a blog to display all my thoughts and what I have written.

2. WHY - to generally serve arabic literature and specially saudi literature. I would like that our literary presence globally becomes more strong, and we compete on the most important awards in the world, that's why I chose to be an author. What's a memorable is that you have your most dexterity in the things that you love to do or you feel enjoyment when you do them. And I have realised that writing is what I love to deal with.

3. WHAT - I want to be an outstanding novelist and author.