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Progressiveness por Mind Map: Progressiveness

1. Health and Saftey

1.1. Contaminated Food

1.1.1. Upton Sinclair: Wrote a book about sanitation and lack of safety in meat packing plants. Educate people about the conditions and sanitation of factories, even ones that pack food.

1.2. Lack of Healthcare

1.2.1. Alice Hamilton: taught factories how to stay clean and keep workers from getting sick due to the conditions. Provide more accessible health care for workers and poor people

1.2.2. Lillian Wald: Started a visiting nurse program to provide care for people at home.

2. Workers rights

2.1. Working long hours for little pay.

2.1.1. Labor Unions: Worked together to make jobs safer and have better pay. Create Unions to create ways to help workers.

2.2. Working in unsafe, unsanitary environments

2.2.1. Samuel Gompers: A Union leader who fought to make the American work day 8 hours. Make hours and wages match.

3. Suffrage

3.1. Women in this time period are fighting for rights (mainly the one to vote).

3.1.1. National American Women Suffrage Association: Combined two women's associations to fight for the right to vote. Advocate for women's rights and educate people about it.

3.1.2. Susan B. Anthony: Second president of the NAWSA. Worked with first for the right to vote.

3.1.3. Elizabeth Cady Stanton: First president of the NAWSA.

4. Prohibiton

4.1. Alcohol was believed to be causing insanity and violence.

4.1.1. Temperance Movement: Organization that worked to ban alcohol.

4.2. Also believed to cause poverty.

4.2.1. Mary Hunt: Supported the alcohol ban. Believed that banning it would bring better health. Banned alcohol. Became part of the 18th amendment. Nightclubs known as speakeasies showed up. Bootleggers transported and sold alcohol illegally. Organized crime went on the rise due to the ban.

4.2.2. Carrie Nation: Brought a hatchet to saloons to ban alcohol.

5. corruption

5.1. "Political Machienes" that tampered with votes (Taminy Hall)

5.1.1. Robert M. La Follette is progressive senator who worked to stop corrpution. Created Direct Primary: voters choose candidants to run elections.

6. poverty

6.1. Tenant housing and slums were in bad conditions.

6.1.1. Jacob A. Riss took photos of slums wich exposed the poor conditions. Created affordable housing for lower class people and immigrants. Inspired others to create laws for affordable housing and better living conditions.

6.1.2. Jane Addams: Created a settlement house for poor people.

6.2. People couldn't afford housing.

7. Child Labor

7.1. Lewis Hine: A photographer who wanted to help child workers. Took pictures of conditions and published to magazines.

7.1.1. End child labor and give education to every child.

8. Racism

8.1. Segration and the JIm Crow laws affected African americans along with racism from slavery.

8.1.1. Ida B. Wells: A jourbnalist who wrote about racism that African Americans faced.

8.1.2. W.E.B. Dubois: Start the National Assotiation for the Advanctment of Colored People (N-A-A-C-P). They worked to end discrimination. Educate people about discrimination and about the treatmebnt of African americans. Work to end discrimination by creating groups and schools.

8.1.3. Booker T. Washington: Taught kids about trade and economic stregnth. Provided the best training for black children.

9. Conservation

9.1. Exploitation of the enviorment for resources. (Iron, coal, ect.)

9.1.1. John Muir:preserved wildlife and national parks. Make laws and advocate for wildlife. Create national parks.

9.1.2. Teddy Roosivelt: made laws that made businuses obey laws to preserve nature.