Foundations of Education

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Foundations of Education por Mind Map: Foundations of Education

1. Sociological Perspectives

1.1. social principles

1.1.1. I want to be a teacher so that other professions can be possible!

1.2. sociology: deal with it!

1.3. why is there a different vibe every year?

1.4. words are powerful

1.5. levels: societal (economic), institutional, interpersonal, intrapsychic

1.6. effective schools: leadership, safe environment, high expectations (learn), continual review of student progress, and clear mission

1.6.1. theories: functional, conflict, and interactional rules are sometimes never fair

1.7. scientific inquiry - Why? why? why?

2. Philosophy of Education

2.1. they can't see what I see

2.1.1. "You're gonna practice more than you play."

2.2. keyword: flexibility

2.3. tabula rosa - blank slate

2.4. Pragmatisim

2.4.1. John Dewey George Sanders Pierce learning through experience

2.4.2. Progressivism

2.4.3. Social Reconstructivism "I have a dream." -Martin Luther King

2.4.4. Curriculum

2.5. students learn better from each other than they do from teachers

2.6. goal of education: cognitive skills and affective skills: emotions, what you consider beautiful, right and true

3. Schools as Organizations

3.1. what makes these organizations work smoothly?

3.2. Do I want to be around kids?

3.3. student survey

3.4. demographics of students

3.5. demographics of the school

3.6. demographics of community

3.7. expectations of faculty/staff

3.7.1. student handbook

3.7.2. school website

3.7.3. teacher interview

3.8. there is always room for improvement

3.9. U.S. dept of ed created in 1970

3.10. in 1930's 128,000 public school districts

3.10.1. Little House on the Prairie 53% white

3.11. why drop out?

3.11.1. social reasons

3.12. U.S. includes everyone, compared to China who includes a few students and not all go to high school

3.13. Wesology: incentives to teach private schools

3.14. Alabama retirement benefits better that other states

3.15. School Accountability Act 2013

3.15.1. choose where child goes if school is declared failing, then take $ toward private school $40 Million in debt; public schools because of this declared failing. no bid contract law

3.16. France: track can't get out of

3.16.1. top student 1 school/other student lower school

3.17. How did the Soviet Union really collapse?

3.17.1. the oppressed rose up

3.18. Finland/Japan

3.18.1. large ban of appreciation

3.19. School Processes and Cultures

3.19.1. teachers are in conflict with students communities are in conflict with administration

3.19.2. the culture within the school means everything

3.19.3. when you try and change a school's culture you suffer, not the school do this with:patience skill and good will

3.19.4. student-centered my clients are my students

3.19.5. John Goodlad

3.19.6. the pendulum swing

3.19.7. A Place Called School

3.19.8. teachers spend 50% of time teaching;rest of time supervising/monitoring

3.19.9. the nature of teaching requires many hats and is very demanding as a result: janitor, parent, advisor, educator, mentor, accountant

3.19.10. key to teaching= control

3.19.11. Bloom's taxonomy-know before lesson plan

3.19.12. Maslow's hierarchy of needs

4. Curriculum and Pedagogy

4.1. instead of working as a part, how can I work as a whole?

4.1.1. make friendships (network)

4.2. what is my philosophy?

4.3. Neo-Marxism

4.3.1. purpose of education in a capitalist society is to perpetuate the ideology of the dominant class

4.3.2. role of the teacher: engage students to critically examine the world which is similar to "wide wakeness."

4.3.3. curriculum-socially constructed

4.3.4. Teachers must have a command of the the curriculum can be socially manipulated.

4.4. maturity level is the first thing one must look at

4.5. social influences

4.5.1. political influences societies' influence cultural influences

4.6. idealists say we should teach the great works of mankind

4.6.1. conservatists say we should return to a humanist foundation

4.7. ignorance is prevalent (abounds in the world)

4.8. the social class composition of the school and community have determined what is of value in the curriculum

4.9. small groups are vital

4.10. private schools are popular because parents can choose a school based upon their beliefs

4.11. NCLB

4.11.1. RTT Nation at Risk Science and Math

4.12. society influences the curriculum

4.12.1. formal curriculum-what is cognitively taught (subjects) Informal or hidden curriculum - taught but not obvious to sight null curriculum - what is not learned (values of the community)


4.14. multicultural curriculum had diluted western civilization values

4.14.1. They say we have melted and lost our western cultural identity

4.15. the curriculum reflects the dominant group of society

4.16. mimetic is conservative and says that there is a basic core of knowledge to be learned by all

4.16.1. transformative says that students needs should be the main focus of the curriculum

5. Equality of Opportunity

5.1. who deserves to be treated equally?  Everyone.

5.1.1. Don't offer too much info and be careful and do not talk too much! What's gonna set me apart?

5.2. teachers, students, communities are all involved in the process of education.

5.2.1. schools and curriculum are agents of change

5.3. Americans believe that hard work determines who gets ahead.

5.4. preamble: all men are created equal

5.5. pg. 339

5.6. we are not all equal that is why we have to differentiate instruction

5.7. in India name recognition is key to success

5.8. person's social level is determined by family value and worth - estate system

5.9. pg. 340

5.10. the lower classes in America have had their ability to overcome decreased because of inflation

5.11. educational achievement is directly related to financial success

5.12. educational achievement is directly related to family achievement and social class

5.13. schools represent the middle and upper class

5.14. parental income is directly related to educational achievement and test performance

5.15. pg. 342

5.16. race has a direct impact on how much educational attainment a person achieves

5.17. minorities do not receive the same educational opportunities as white Americans

5.18. disparities still exist in education and job salaries

5.19. pg. 343

5.20. SAT ACT test have become the determining factor for educational success

5.21. IDEA 1996

5.21.1. PL 94 - 142 first special educational law

5.21.2. umbrella

5.21.3. section 504 (physical)

5.21.4. REI pg. 364

5.22. Do differences in schools contribute to student success?

5.22.1. Does where you live determine your educational success? pg.. 366

5.23. coleman study 2010



7. Politics of Education

7.1. Why?

7.1.1. Because of teachers, parents, God, love, and life calling. I have to be assertive. I want to love the kids that are hard to love. people do what they know to do

7.2. conservative or liberal?

7.3. 2 things to upset parents: messing with the kid and delving into their bank account.

7.4. Democratic-Liberal School

7.5. Conservative School of Thought

7.6. Radical Revisionist School

7.7. Do I believe that I am responsible for my own success?

7.7.1. Socialism

7.7.2. Communism

8. History of U.S. Education

8.1. rules and regulations

8.2. perspective: look through the lenses of others

8.3. restrictions: time, technology, and resources

8.4. think back to the beginning of this country

8.4.1. schooling was funded upon religious reasons main motive was to worship as they please

8.5. underlying current: religion

8.6. Harvard established in 1636

8.7. Yale established in 1701

8.8. what we do educationally was founded by Ben Franklin's idea: not everyone should go to college (craftsmen)

8.8.1. grammar school = elementary school

8.8.2. schooling in 1600 = preaching (religious studies)

8.9. science influenced everything

8.10. Plessy vs. Ferguson

8.10.1. Brown vs. Board of Education

8.11. 1993 IDEA

8.12. Lee vs. Macon

8.13. Arne (chicago)

9. Educational Inequality

9.1. Why do I want to be a teacher?

9.1.1. All students should be teated within the realms of equality. purposes of schooling: intellectual, social, political, and economic

9.2. Things are not always as they appear...

9.3. functionalist, conflict, and interactionists theorists

9.4. functionalist theorists support the idea that each students' success is determined by their own hard work and desire to succeed.

9.5. conflict theorists support the idea that student success is affected by their environment

9.5.1. students ARE affected by their environment

9.6. interactionists theorists support that student success is determined by a combination of factors such as family, social class schools, and environment.

9.7. student-centered factors and school-centered factors that influence student success

9.8. genetic differences pg. 422

9.9. cultural deprivation pg. 423

9.10. school financing pg. 428

9.11. pg. 432 characteristics of highly effective schools

9.11.1. keep students on task

9.11.2. flexibility for teachers and administrators to experiment

9.12. effective schools pg. 431

9.13. Do schools reproduce inequality?

10. Educational Reform

10.1. all have fallen as victims at some point

10.1.1. Can I make a difference? always remember: who wrote the book? What did my education promise me?

10.2. each student has a different learning style

10.3. pose questions

10.4. student must be exposed to the world and its ways

10.5. characteristics of highly effective teachers

10.5.1. a calling for the profession professional knowledge personal qualities

10.6. reform in education 1980's to 2012 pg. 512

10.6.1. Two waves of attack the first was concerned with accountability and achievement the second was concerned with the processes of the school top down from the federal government. pg. 513

10.7. federal involvement america 2000 pg. 514 goals 2000 pg. 515 No child left behind pg. 517 race to the top pg. 518

10.8. approaches to reform pg. 519 neo liberal approach societal and community approach

10.9. school based reforms pg. 520 school choice charter schools tuition vouchers intersectional choice plans (public to private) intrasectional choice plans (any public school in district)

10.10. school-business partnerships pg. 526-527 privatization of schools school to work programs

10.11. teacher education programs pg. 528 three major points: more intellectual demands in education programs attract and retain competent teachers reorganize educational academic professional development plan pg. 5320

10.12. teacher quality pg. 531 the effective school movement pg 531 plan on pg 532 highly effective school characteristics pg. 533

10.13. societal community economic and political reforms pg. 535 state takeovers pros and cons pg. 536

10.14. school finance reforms pg. 538 where you are born or live determines your advantage for a good education

10.15. full service schools repair and educate the community

10.16. connecting school and community and societal reforms pg. 540 a theory of educational problems and reforms pg 541 solutions and proposals pg 543-545

10.17. intergrative realm pg 542 basic skills and knowledge is the focus for school improvement and student achievement. developmental realm focus is on developing the whole child by having schools become more humane solutions