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Life Cycles por Mind Map: Life Cycles

1. 3-stage

1.1. Examples

1.1.1. Chicken

1.1.2. Grasshopper

1.1.3. Frog

1.1.4. Humans

1.2. Similarities

1.2.1. Young looks like adult

1.3. Difference

1.3.1. The duration of each life cycle

1.4. Cycle

1.4.1. Egg > Young / Nymph > Adult

2. Definition

2.1. A cycle that all living things go through

2.2. Repeats itself continuously

3. 4-stage

3.1. Examples

3.1.1. Butterfly

3.1.2. Mosquito

3.1.3. Beetle

3.2. Similarities

3.2.1. The young does not look like the adult

3.2.2. They are all insects

3.3. Differences

3.3.1. The duration of each life cycle

3.4. Cycle

3.4.1. Egg > Larva > Pupa > Adult