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Копия Education создатель Mind Map: Копия Education

1. Etymological meaning

1.1. In English the term “Education” has been derived from two Latin words ◇ "Educare" (Educere) ◇"Educatum" ◇"E+ duco"

1.1.1. The term ‘educare’ means to bring up, to rise, and to nourish, to train or mould.

1.1.2. Educare’- The term ‘educare’ means ‘to lead out’, ‘to draw out’ and ‘to bring forth’.

1.1.3. Educatum’- Education is something which is imposed from outside. It is external growth through activities and experience.

1.1.4. ‘E+ duco’- The term ‘E’ means out of and ‘duco’ means ‘to lead’.

2. True meaning

2.1. In its narrow sense, education is a formal conservative process mainly confined to school campus. In its wider sense, education becomes a vague and informal process aiming at nothing but allowing the child uncontrolled freedom for arbitrary activities. Through such a process it is not possible to inculcate social, moral and spiritual values in children Thus, both the processes are one-sided and emphasize the two extremes. The real concept of education is a synthesis of these two processes. This synthesis will develop the child to the full according to his inherent tendencies with emphasis on concurrent development of society, of which he is an integral part. Such an education will develop both the child

3. Analytical meaning

3.1. ♡ Not Limited to knowledge imparted in Schools- Education cannot be confined to the processes of giving knowledge to children in schools only. Its programme goes on from birth till death. n other words, every one learns something or the other throughout life by various experiences and activities. All this is education. •

3.2. Education as a Dynamic Process- Education is not static but a dynamic process, which develops the child according to changing situation and times

3.3. Education as a Tripolar Process- John Dewey, regards education a process of development. According to John Dewey education has two aspects- (1) Psychological and (2) Sociological. He asserts that the development of a child does not take place in vacuum. It takes place in and through the society in which the teacher and the child both live. Thus, it is the society, which will determine the aims, contents and methods of teaching. In this way, the process of education contains three poles, namely- (1) The teacher, (2) The child, (3) The society. These three factors actively cooperate in the efficient and successful working of the educational process.

4. True Definition

4.1. Education is both unilateral as well as bi-polar in nature. • It is a continuous process. • It is knowledge or experience. • It is development of particular aspects of human personality or a harmonious integrated growth. • It is conducive for the good of the individual or the welfare of the society. • It is a liberal discipline or a vocational course. • It is stabilizer of social reconstruction

5. Broder sence

5.1. ☆Education in the wider sense is a life-long process. It begins with the birth of a child and ends with his death. It is a continuous process. Continuity is the law of life. Education is not limited to the classroom only; it is also not limited to a particular period of life. Education is a life long process and goes on from birth to death.

6. Narrower sence

6.1. Education, in the narrower sense, is regarded as equivalent to instruction. It consists of the “specific influences” consciously designed in a school or in a college or in an institution to bring in the development and growth of the child. The word school includes the whole machinery of education from Kindergarten to the University