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Geography создатель Mind Map: Geography

1. Projects

1.1. Holland presentation

1.2. International day booth

1.3. European history timeline

2. Home work

2.1. Easy to complete

2.2. Simple

2.3. Good studieng refrence

2.4. Occasionally long

3. Tests

3.1. Location Test

3.1.1. Mercyfull

3.2. European history test

3.2.1. Enjoyable

3.3. American History test

3.3.1. Relatively simple

4. Teacher

4.1. Mr. Hart

4.1.1. Different

4.1.2. Kind

4.1.3. Funny

4.1.4. Intelligent

5. Course

5.1. A good learning expierence

5.2. Fun

5.3. Educational

5.4. Different from the rest

6. Assignment

6.1. Global warming reflection