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Patreon создатель Mind Map: Patreon

1. Patriot in neon lights

2. Responsive

3. Subsurface mapping

4. Incentive Scheme

4.1. Scored based on job performance

4.2. Rewards based on voting

4.3. More feedback and management visibility

4.4. Subcontractors

4.5. Live feedback from clients

4.6. Client visibility

5. Back end portal with back office capabilities

5.1. Link sent through to foremen

6. Project Management & Logistics

6.1. 80% road and rail

6.2. Addon services

6.3. Confidence

6.4. Simplicity

6.5. Scale

7. 1 point of call for varying logistical dependencies

7.1. Scheduling and budget visibility

7.2. Electronic job board

7.3. Sage

7.4. Payments

7.5. Flexibility

8. Diverse range of specialties and fleet capabilities

8.1. Service providers and contracts therewith

8.2. Responsive scheduling changes w/suppliers

8.3. Responsive pricing based on local suppliers

8.4. Decentralised workforce

8.5. Foremans menu list / shopping cart

9. Scheduling and messaging / communications

10. Operations Managers